About Coach E!
The Dumb Waiter Drills Was Born
I envisioned a world where it was easy for parents to find books, to teach the proper fundamentals. Not so, I soon found out there was NO easy or consistent way to teach kids the proper technique to shoot a basketball, there was no official tools or training manuals for coaches.
At that time you had to do what I did, and watch videos, or draw on your own experience, or follow the lead of the teams coach, and who knows where he learned it from. If your’e school is lucky the coach played basketball in college, or was a semi pro somewhere.
I wanted to change that, teaching proper form or technique is essential to helping the child reach their potential in any sport.
I bought books, checked out videos at the local library, to study the shooting form of the greats like Larry Bird, Detlef Schrempf, MJ, Kobe, Ray Allen, and many more. By watching and studying the videos, and photo action shots of top shooters in the NBA, I saw patterns that showed up in every successful shooters form, and shot. By studying that pattern, I was able to put together a best practices guide , which became the basis for e-quide titled:
The Dumb Waiter Drills, The Secret To The Sure Shot!
The pattern became so easy to spot, that if you know what to look for, you can could tell almost immediately, before the player takes the shot, if the shot was going to make the shot, or not, even before the shooter releases the ball.
The Secret To The Sure Shot!
At first I tried teaching players how to shoot by just copying the shot of famous NBA players, but I learned quickly that because every child and player is different, I needed a way to adapt the technique to the child’s uniqueness, to include, their height, length of arms, size of hand, motion patterns etc. with consistency regardless of the child unique attributes. I call this Natural Alignment.